Minutes of the Parish Council 13 September 2018

Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13 September 2018 

in Bayford Village Hall at 7.30pm

Public Forum:

Mark Warren of Jenner Property Services spoke about the possibility of building houses in the area of the Unicorn Inn and stated that an application would be sent to the Council in due course. A previous application for two houses had been made but withdrawn. Financially the Inn has not been thriving for some time with lack of customers and not being able to use the upstairs for any bed and breakfast clients due to non-conformity of regulations. Local parishioners stated the lack of any parking spaces within the Inn area and building property there would make parking a lot worse, the roads in Bayford were always busy with parked cars which has always made the run through the village quite dangerous. In conclusion to a very vocal meeting the Chairman re-iterated that no comment can be made regarding planning applications until the application had been applied for.

Cllr Smith reported 7 break ins in 1 night in Bayford and requested more Police presence. PCSO Russell stated that he needed to be told when there was any trouble because if he did not know about it then he could not act on it. Andy Chesterman has spoken to the Police about several break ins. Cllr Smith had a link to Somerset crime which he was getting put on the website. Members of the public left after the Public Forum.

Present: Cllrs: E Parsons (Chairman) T MacCaw (Vice Chairman) N Linsley, A Smith, J Macfarlane and  M Grant. C/Councillor Anna Groskop. 

Clerk in attendance: Mrs P Gillman

Public: Andy Chesterman, Annie Graham, Lee Ames, David & Marylin Miland, Ben Giles, Brian Garson, Troy Spires, Craig Spires, Clare Spires, Thomas Case, Kevin Higgins, Martin McKenna and Mark Waren.

29. Apologies – Cllr I Andrews

30. Declarations of Interest – None

31. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 12 July and Planning Meetings of 29 June 2018 (missed at July meeting) and 31 August 2018

A resolution is sought to approve and sign the minutes as a true record

Proposed: Cllr. MacCaw Seconded: Cllr. Macfarlane

32. Financial Matters

a. Statement of Account and bank reconciliation

b. Bank Balances 31 August 2018. A resolution is sought to accept the financial statement as at 31 August 2018. Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Current A/c £7652.75; Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Reserve A/c £7987.06; Leigh Common Savings A/c £5100.60.

c. A resolution is sought to sign the following cheques

Cheque No: 000456 Clerks’ salary & expenses & Council expenses      542.45

Proposed: Cllr MacCaw Seconded: Cllr Grant

33. Planning Matters

a. New Planning Matters

Planning Application No: 18/02392/COL

Applicant: Mr Roger Perry

Location: Farmageddon, Bayford Lane, Stoke Trister, Wincanton.

Proposal: Application for a certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of the building for storage and distribution (Class B8) (Revised Application) – No objections to this application.

Planning Application No: 18/01991/FUL

Applicant: Mr Chris Bellars

Location: Land at Sycamore Farm, Stoke Trister, Wincanton.

Proposal: The conversion of existing domestic storage building into a single dwelling and the erection of a car port. – We recommend refusal of this application since the applicant has not demonstrated that the proposal would meet the requirement of SS2 in the local plan. However, we understand that the barn conversion proposed would be for family use only and we would be sympathetic to this if a new application was made for conversion ancillary to the existing dwelling on the property.

 b. Outcome of planning matters already considered: 

Planning Application No: 18/02228/FUL

Applicant: Mr Martin Mckenna

Location: The Well House, Bayford, Wincanton.

Proposal: Alterations to change the pitch of the roof at the rear of the property and erection of a single storey side extension to create a sun/living room. – Permitted with conditions.

Planning Application No: 18/01916/FUL

Applicant: Hopkins Developments Ltd

Location: Land adjoining Corner Farm, Devenish Lane, Bayford, Wincanton.

Proposal: The erection of timber gates (retrospectively). – No further information.

d. Any other planning matters received since the agenda was prepared

34. Correspondence

No further information.

35. Highways

Cllr Smith has tried to contact Gary Warren without success. C/Cllr Groskop suggested he tried to contact John Nicolson about the vandalised signage in Beech Lane.

SID. No further information. 

36. Footpaths

Clerk to email Rob Coate referring to his email of Devenish Lane stating how displeased the Council were with the way Planning Decisions can be over ruled by an individual.

Cllr Grant repaired a style in a field and checked most of them in Stoke Trister, he was now to proceed to check the ones in Bayford.

37. Riding Gate

Clerk to contact Simon Fox to see if Neil Waddleton is still in charge of the case of people and vehicles at Riding Gate. 

38. Defibrillator

Cllr Smith has spoken to the Community Heartbeat Trust who have said a Committee should be formed. They also said they will help with the Lottery Funding.

39. Unicorn Inn

The Inn was debated at a lively public discussion at the beginning of the meeting.

40. The Bayford Book

It was unanimously agreed to allow the £50 donation towards the cost of the book.

41. Date of Next Meeting 

8 November 2018

Meeting closed at 8.45pm
